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Qian Lie Tong Pian
Buy Qian Lie Tong Pian Online





Chinese name:
Qian Lie Tong Pian Prostate Gland Formula
Radix Astragali, Semen Plantaginis, Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis
Acute and chronic prostatitis, urethritis caused by prostate hyperplasia, haematuria, frequent micturition, urethra red pain, emiction distending pain, testicle pain, varicosity pain
Stimulates circulation, decreases inflammation, supports the urinary system and helps maintain a healthy prostate
6 tablets for oral use, 3 times per day, plastic bottle contains 108 tablets
From one week to 30-45 days treatment course, chronic cases may require a longer course of treatment
Guangzhou ZhongYi Pharm Co.
Qian Lie Tong Pian is well known Chinese medicine for prostatitis and formulated for acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate gland. This disorder is especially common in males older than 40 years of age. Symptoms include dribbling or painful urination and pain in the testicles. The remedy is also useful for urinary tract infections and testicular inflammation.

Note: Prostate cancer is very common in older men; anyone experiencing prostate problems should consult his physician and undergo diagnostic testing for the disease.

We can guarantee that the natural products from ShenYi Center of Chinese Medicine are 100% authentic and our prices are competitive in comparison to other herbal stores.  
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Long Dan Xie Gan Wan

Chinese Medicine Category
Qian Lie Tong Pian Medicine Researches

Herbal and complementary medicine in chronic prostatitis.
Shoskes DA, Manickam K.
Department of Urology, Cleveland Clinic Florida, 2950 Cleveland Clinic Boulevard, Weston, FL 33331, USA.
Chronic prostatitis is a very common and poorly understood condition with significant impact on quality of life. The etiology of prostatitis can be multifactorial and can present with a variety of symptoms. Given the lack of proven efficacy of conventional therapies such as antibiotics, many patients have turned to phytotherapy and other alternative treatments. This review will cover the alternative therapies commonly used in prostatitis with an emphasis on those with published data. These treatments include phytotherapy (quercetin, bee pollen) and physical therapy. Complementary therapies have shown the potential to help men with prostatitis, particularly when allopathic therapies have failed.

Treatment of Nonspecific Chronic Prostatitis with Qian Lie Xian Yan Suppository in 104 Cases
Li Jun
Qian Lie Xian Yan Suppository was rectally applied to treat 104 patients with nonspecific chronic prostatitis ( damp-heat syndrome with blood stasis) in contrast to 30 patients treated with traditional Chinese drug Ye Ju Hua Shuan (Suppository of Flos Chrysanthemi Indici). The results show that chronic prostatitis is markedly improved by using Qian Lie Xian Yan suppository, with a short-term cure rate of 23.1%and a total effective rate of 84.6%, superior to that of the control group. The animal experiment indicates that Qian Lie Xian Yan suppository has better anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, with an action of promoting blood circulation.
Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2001 Analysis of Qian Lie Tong Yu Capsule and Roxithromycin in Treatment of Male Postvenereal Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology 2003

Clinical Efficacy of Qian-lie-tong-yu Capsule in the Treatment of Chronic Abacterial Prostatitis
Journal of Clinical Research 2006

This is the page of Chinese medicine for prostatitis, you can buy Qian Lie Tong Pian online here.